OFFICE CLOSED The church office is closed Thurdsay, 2/20/25, due to inclement weather. Click here for more info.

Congregational Care Team

Ready to help in your time of need

The Congregational Care Team is here for you

Meet Joe Vitek and learn about his role with the Congregational Care Team.

The Deacons have formed a Congregational Care Team. This team stands ready to reach out to the Gayton family in times of need. Needs can take many forms; hospital visitation, homebound visitation, meals, transportation, etc. 

We want to know if you have a need so that we can help! 

Contact the CCT (Congregational Care Team) through the form below, a notation on the Communication card, or call the church office (804-360-2801). Are you having surgery and need help with meals? Let the CCT know. Do you know someone in the Gayton family that can’t make it to church and would like a visit? Let the CCT know. Do you need a ride to a doctor’s appointment? Let the CCT know. We care – Please share!