OFFICE CLOSED The church office is closed Thurdsay, 2/20/25, due to inclement weather. Click here for more info.

Gayton on Mission

Missions is the heart of every ministry at Gayton. Explore mission opportunities!


Thank You from our Missions Ministry Partners

Go... make disciples of all nations

Missions isn't just one distinct ministry - it flows through the lifeblood of every ministry of Gayton. We believe that God has called everyone who follows Jesus to be on mission, not just a select few. 

From right in our own community to distant lands, our kids, youth, and adults join God in His work meeting physical needs, teaching, discipling, and proclaiming the Gospel.

Explore how God can work through you to bring hope to the hopeless.


To honor the command of Jesus that “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8b), and to support the Vision of Gayton Baptist Church to “be disciples who make disciples of all generations”, by challenging every one attending Gayton Baptist Church to be engaged in mission ministry that focuses both within and beyond Gayton Baptist Church.

We commit to fulfill this Vision by:

·     Providing the support necessary to facilitate each person’s mission opportunities;

·     Encouraging and equipping every Sunday School group and every small group to develop a consistent lifestyle of mission focus;

·     Maximizing our commitment to fully fund our mission opportunities both within and beyond our Church

·     Fostering best principles of mission practice through relationships, innovation and evangelism;

·     Strategically engaging on mission in the Short Pump vicinity (our Jerusalem);

·     Strategically engaging in mission projects in Virginia and the United States (our Judea and Samaria);

·     Strategically engaging in Mission Ministry outside of the United States (to the ends of the Earth).