Gayton Young Adult Life
Gayton Young Adult Life is for all young adults— ages 18-30’s. The vision for this ministry is to lead young adults to experience life in Jesus Christ through:
Discipleship: in worship, prayer, and the Word of God!
Community: in friendship, fun, support & encouragement!
Action: in leadership, outreach, and serving others!
Each week, we will have LifeNights for Bible study, prayer, worship, and community building.
Throughout the year, we also have special events, socials, and retreats!
As this ministry grows, a Young Adult Ministry Leadership team will form and, in time, we will develop young adult community groups:
Roots - for college students & career - thru 20’s
Branches - for young professionals - thru 30’s
If you have any questions or would like to know more, email Rev. Jennifer Mullins, the Youth and Young Adult Pastor here at Gayton Baptist Church: jennifer@gayton.church/ 804-405-7187
Weekly Opportunities
10:00am Worship
11:00am Bible Study - New Bible Study class at 11:00am for Young Adults (Beyond) begins Feb. 2.
7:00 - 8:30pm Young Adult LifeNights
Community time, Worship, Bible Study and MORE!
There is a Facebook group for young adults ages 18-thirties. Please pass the word to any young adult you know to join that Facebook group also.