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Gayton Family Mission Trip 2024

On Mission in Richmond, VA


For even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

SAVE THE DATE: July 11-14, 2024 

Here is the heart of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in one simple statement. Living to serve others is one way we can follow His example and we are excited for the opportunity to demonstrate that service to our local community on the second weekend in July for our 3rd annual LOCAL Family Mission Trip! Believers of all ages within our Gayton Baptist Church Family are invited to serve together on mission right here in RVA as we shine the light of Jesus to our neighbors! There are projects for all, from preschoolers to our senior saints, in which we meet real and practical needs while building authentic relationships with our neighbors and with our church family. 

Parents and grandparents - what an opportunity to put faith into practice as you serve alongside your child or grandchild! This powerful shared experience will be a core memory, for sure! 

We will kick off this very special weekend with a fellowship meal and devotional on Thursday evening, and will have mission opportunities on Friday morning, afternoon, and evening and Saturday morning and afternoon. Aren’t available the whole weekend? Not a problem! Choose your own mission adventure and sign up for the opportunities that will fit into your family’s schedule and rhythm. The second best part (after the working together to shine the light of Jesus, part) is that you get to sleep in your own bed every night! No lumpy mattresses, broken AC, or forgotten pillows required!

Register below by July 8, 2024