OFFICE CLOSED The church office is closed Thurdsay, 2/20/25, due to inclement weather. Click here for more info.


Gayton's Mission Vision


To honor the command of Jesus that “​You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth​” (Acts 1:8b), and to support the Vision of Gayton Baptist Church of ​every life changed by Jesus​, by challenging everyone attending Gayton Baptist Church to be engaged in mission ministry that focuses both within and beyond Gayton Baptist Church.

We commit to fulfill this vision by:

  • Providing the support necessary to facilitate each person’s mission opportunities;
  • Encouraging and equipping every Sunday School group and every small group to develop a consistent lifestyle of mission focus;
  • Maximizing our commitment to fully fund our mission opportunities both within and beyond our Church
  • Fostering best principles of mission practice through relationships, innovation and evangelism;
  • Strategically engaging on mission in the Short Pump vicinity (our Jerusalem);
  • Strategically engaging in mission projects in Virginia and the United States (our Judea and Samaria);
  • Strategically engaging in Mission Ministry outside of the United States (to the ends of the Earth).