Highland Park Community Christmas Store - 2023

Northside Outreach Center Community Christmas Store
Each year, the Northside Outreach Center (NOC) holds the Highland Park Community Christmas Store. The store provides parents in the community the opportunity to purchase gifts for their children at a much discounted rate. By offering toys at a discounted rate, the NOC gives both parents the value of a lower price that is affordable for them, and the value of dignity of being able to provide gifts for their children. And each year, we partner with the NOC and have been one of their largest toy donors.
Partnering with Churches
As stated in the NOC mission statement, we work to bring positive and lasting change by uniting those working in the community through dynamic partnerships. We are so grateful for all of the organizations that choose to join with us. This year we are going to spotlight those we partner with throughout the year because this is truly a community effort.
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
We are blessed to have several church partners through out the Richmond area. This month we would like to recognize Gayton Baptist Church for their support over the years. They help us every year collect toys and send volunteers for our Community Christmas Store. As well they have sent volunteers to help with community outreaches like Takin' It To the Streets and our first Saturday Yard Sale at the Thrift Store.
Recently, we reached out to their Tool Box Ministry to help with some home repairs and cleaning up for one of our Highland Park Residents who is disabled. Within days they had a volunteer out power washing the wheelchair ramp and making other repairs. Connecting churches with ministry opportunities is a practical way the NOC seeks to help be the hands and feet of Jesus.