Panama Mission Trip - Blog - January 2025

Greetings from Panama!
We’re so excited to let you know that we arrived safely on Saturday and have already been overwhelmed by the incredible hospitality and kindness of our Panamanian friends. Sunday set such a beautiful tone for the week ahead. Dale shared his testimony with the congregation, and Angeline presented our team’s gift of Spanish Bibles. Pastor Rodolfo gave an inspiring sermon about our identity in Christ, reminding us how much we can accomplish when we work together for God’s glory.
After the service, Pastor Rodolfo and his wife took us to the Panama Canal. It was fascinating to learn about its history and incredible engineering of this important landmark.
Today, we jumped right into our mission work with the first day of VBS and the start of our construction project. Both churches were absolutely buzzing with energy as we welcomed over 160 kids! The kids were so joyful and engaged as they learned about Jesus feeding the 5,000. They made colorful baskets with fish and loaves, and it was so fun to see their creativity shine through.
Outside, the construction team rolled up their sleeves and got to work laying the groundwork and starting on the walls for the new mission church. Even with a couple of quick rain showers, everyone stayed focused and worked hard—it’ll be wonderful to see the progress over the course of this week!
Reflecting on this first full day of ministry, we can’t help but feel grateful for how God is moving here. From the laughter of the kids at VBS to the teamwork among the construction crew, His presence is so clear in everything we’re doing.
Please keep praying for our team, the work we’re doing, and the incredible people of Panama. We’re so excited to see what the rest of the week holds!

Panama Adventures: Day 2
What a day it’s been here in Panama! The Vacation Bible School is in full swing, and it seems to get better (and busier) with each passing day. On both Tuesday and Wednesday, we had over 200 kids join us! It’s been such a joy to see so many little faces excited to learn about Jesus!
Today’s VBS verse was the story of Jesus’ transfiguration, confirming His identity as the Son of God. The kids dove into the story and made beautiful suncatchers to help them remember how Jesus’ light shines through us. The creativity these kids have is amazing too see! Meanwhile, the construction team has been hard at work, making great progress on the church walls. It’s incredible to see how quickly things are coming together.
This evening, we had the privilege of joining the First Baptist Church congregation for their Wednesday night prayer service and Bible study. It was such a meaningful time to connect with everyone. We played a name game, played Bible trivia, and we all spent time praying for one another. Moments like these remind us how much we have in common with our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter where we’re from.
After the service, we wrapped up the day with some local ice cream! It was the perfect way to wind down, sharing laughs and stories as a group. The fellowship has been such a highlight of this trip, and we are so grateful for the time that we have together. We’ve truly been blessed this week, and we can’t wait to see what the next few days hold. Thank you for following along and keeping us in your prayers. More updates to come soon!

What a fun few days it’s been! On Thursday evening, the women of First Baptist Church of Pedregal gave us an incredible gift by sharing their culture with the women of Gayton Baptist. They dressed us in traditional Panamanian attire, complete with intricate hair styles, makeup, and beautiful outfits. It was a truly special evening of laughter and connection with our sisters in Christ that we will treasure. The guys had an Uno battle while the ladies were transformed, Pastor Bryon really has his Spanish numbers down after that!
We also all had the opportunity to visit the construction site for the mission church. Seeing the walls standing strong and the progress made was moving. What was once a vision is becoming a reality, and it’s incredible to witness how God is working through the hands and hearts of so many to bring this dream to life. Lives will be changed in this community as the mission becomes a church.
As we close out this exciting week of Vacation Bible School and construction , our hearts are full from all the blessings and connections we’ve experienced. With a record number of children attending and even an adult VBS class forming and thriving, we’ve truly seen God’s hand in our time here.
This week, we shared powerful stories from the Bible, including Jesus healing the leper and His encounter with the young rich man. These verses reminded us of Christ’s compassion, His call to surrender fully to Him, and the importance of gratitude. The kids enjoyed the corresponding crafts each day. Everyone participated in the VBS closing ceremony, watching each class present a song and dance, it was a big highlight of the week.
This week has been full of moments that call for celebration and praise. From the relationships we’ve deepened, to the children who have touched our hearts, from the mission church walls rising from the ground, to the times we’ve come together in worship, baptism, communion, bible study, and fellowship, every aspect has been a testament to God’s glory.
Saturday will be an afternoon of fellowship with our Panama church family and Sunday we head home. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us and please keep us in your prayers!
Panama Mission Trip - Blog - January 2024
Blog Post #1
Greetings from Panama: Our first days on mission have successfully kicked off! Despite a slightly delayed flight, our arrival into Panama was smooth and filled with anticipation for the days ahead.
On Saturday evening, we joyfully reunited at the airport with some of our friends here in Panama. Sunday morning was a spiritual highlight as we gathered at “La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Pedregal” (First Baptist Church of Pedregal) for a great church service. The powerful message about staying on track with the rhythm God has set for us resonated with us all. It was such a special time, and they even made sure to wish Dale a happy birthday by singing to him after he gave our gift of the Spanish bibles! On Sunday evening, we ventured into the heart of “Old Panama” for a delightful dinner with the Panamanian Pastor and his wife.

Monday marked the official commencement of our mission’s hands-on activities. Our construction and Vacation Bible School teams hit the ground running, serving another mission church by laying flooring and welcoming over 125 kids!

The VBS team, including Katie, Sami, Lisa, and Angeline, embarked on a journey of spreading joy and teachings about “La vida de Jesús” (The life of Jesus), helping create an environment where the light of Christ shone brightly. The water into wine cork painting craft was a hit!

As we reflect on these initial days, we are grateful for the camaraderie and spiritual connections being forged and for the privilege of this time being dedicated to togetherness and the work of God. We are excited about the days to come and the countless opportunities to continue making
way for the Lord to work through us all here in Panama. Stay tuned for more updates as we walk this journey of faith, service, and friendship here this week! We all thank you for your prayers and support.
Blog Post #2
Hola! Our days in Panama have been nothing short of an uplifting, spiritual adventure. From Vacation Bible School to the construction project, each moment has been a testament to the power of faith and the impact of collective efforts in serving a higher purpose.
Vacation Bible School has been full of learning and joy for over 100 kids each day. Children were immersed in the stories of faith, creating lasting memories through the Butterfly New Life Craft and the Clay Well Crafts. The symbolism of transformation in the butterfly craft and the significance of a well as a source of life resonated with the young hearts eager to understand the teachings of love and compassion. We were told numerous times how special the kids and teens found these to be.
The construction crew's dedication is evident as they prepared the new church floor and poured concrete. The time together with Pastor Rodolfo and our construction crew has been a great time of bonding.
Wednesday night's prayer service was a powerful gathering, bringing us all together in a profound time of worship. Dale and Angeline both shared their testimonies tonight, and we were thankful to hear their what God had out in their hearts.
First Baptist Church of Pedregal wants Gayton to know that they have tremendous gratitude for our partnership. It was a reminder that we are all part of God's big church family, connected by a love that transcends borders. The recurring theme of the night emphasized the assurance that God will always find work for us to do in serving Him. The seeds we plant, whether through crafts, construction, or prayers, will be nurtured by His divine hand. As we witness the impact of our collective efforts, it’s a humbling reminder that our work contributes to the greater purpose of God's plan.
In closing, our days in Panama have been a rich in faith, community, and service. The crafts, construction, and prayer servicehave woven together a truly remarkable experience that not only impacts the lives of those we encounter but also our own hearts. We covet your continued prayers for health, energy, and opportunities to demonstrate God’s love.

Blog Post #3
The last two days here in Panama have been full! We served over 150 kids on Thursday between both churches! Bobby and Dale, with the help and support of our friends in Panama, accomplished a remarkable feat—completing 75% of the cement floor project they've been diligently working on. Through the engaging Jesus Heals band aid craft and A Blind Man Gets His Sight glasses crafts, we not only shared opportunities for the kids to show off their creative expressions but also illustrating the transformative power of Jesus in their lives.

A special part of the week is always the VBS closing ceremony, where the children presented a group song and dance that showcased the joy they had discovered throughout the week. We’ve learned a few songs and dances ourselves! We were hugged on and loved by countless kids as they left VBS today. It was a highpoint of VBS to see and feel the love that the kids experienced this week! Our mission extended to the "Nueva Esperanza" (New Hope) church, where the spirit of giving was seen in a big way. Dozens of children received lovingly packed gifts from the Samaritan’s Purse organization. (MOPS, this was truly moving to witness!) Watching the joy on their faces was a reminder of the positive impact we can collectively make on the lives of others.

Our team gathered for a shared dinner with fellow volunteers from the First Baptist Church of Pedregal. In these moments, language and cultural barriers seemed to dissolve, giving way to a profound sense of connection. Laughter, stories, and shared experiences made for a memorable night!

Our days have not only been about building structures or engaging in educational activities but about forging connections that will endure. Our Panama mission trip is a wonderful shared experience of cultural exchange and the transformative power of God’s love and compassion.
Thank you for your continued prayers as we round out our week. We head home on Sunday morning, see everyone soon!
Blog Post #4 - Last Day!
Today, we share the highlights of our last days. Friday, the construction crew at the new mission church, Nuevo Vida Iglesia Bautista, completed 3/4 of the floor, covering an impressive 1800 square feet. What a major accomplishment!

On Saturday, Pastor Rodolfo and some of the other church members took our team to the Baptist Church Association camp. Surrounded by the lush beauty of Panama, we all enjoyed an afternoon of pool volleyball and time on the beach.

The spirit of collaboration and the bonds formed during this journey will resonate long after we’ve left Panama. Our hearts are full, knowing that our mission transcended the physical aspects of the construction site and VBS. It touched the lives of those we met and ours. As we say hasta luego! (See you later!) to Panama, we carry the memories of this mission trip, and the relationships forged, as inspiration for future endeavors. Thank you to everyone who supported us on this incredible journey. In gratitude and reflection, Dale, Bobby, Sami, Katie, Angeline, and Lisa!

Daily Blog from Panama Mission Trip - January 2023

1st Night in Panama -
Hi, Gayton Family —
We had a successful travel day and made it to Panama! We were warmly welcomed by our Panamanian friends at the airport and after many hugs and exclamations of excitement we loaded up into the van. We dropped off our suitcases full of craft supplies (thank you for the generous donations!) and our Bible gifts (to be presented later this week) at the church before heading to the hotel. We’re all going to sleep like rocks tonight in preparation of a full day tomorrow. We thank you for your continued prayers as we make new connections and allow God’s light to shine through us and in us this week.

Panama Day 2
Hello Gayton Family!
We had the wonderful privilege of attending church service Sunday morning with our Panamanian partners. It was moving, to put it simply. It was a message about timeliness, the importance of our time, and to make the most of it by following God's plan. We sang, prayed, and worshipped together. Jeff joined the worship team for the morning and we shared in communion. It was a beautiful time together and a reminder that our time here is a gift. Kevin presented our gift of the Spanish Bibles and they were so graciously received. Please know how mutually blessed we are to be here. Following the service we began organizing our crafts, ensuring our readiness for the kids coming tomorrow while the construction crew got their project plan solidified for the week. They’ll be adding a bathroom to a mission home, making it more hospitable for visiting missionaries.
In the late afternoon we were treated to a scenic drive into Panama City by Pastor Rodolfo where we had dinner and saw the Panama Canal. We spent time getting to know one another, both practicing Spanish and English together and playing Ninja! If you haven’t played, it’s a lot of fun! After dinner we headed back to the hotel for some craft prep before bed. Tomorrow the real fun begins! VBS for Dale, Sami, Katie, Ellie, and Vivian while Pastor Bryon, Mike, Kevin, and Jeff begin construction.
Please pray for the Gayton Team, the Panama leaders, and the children visiting. May we be the hands and feet of Jesus this week and make an impression on everyone we encounter.

Panama Day 3
Greetings Gayton family!
We started off our morning with a devotion from the book of John. Pastor Bryon reminded us to not get so caught up in the work that we forget the why. As we went off to start our day, we were all reminded that there is work being done by us and in us during our time here. The work is important but the why is utmost.
VBS day 1 was a hit! We served over 65 children today between First Baptist Church and their mission church, New Hope. There was singing, there was dancing, there were games, and, of course, crafts! The faith being nurtured in the kids coming through First Baptist is something to be witnessed and we are blessed to be a small part of what is happening here.
The guys broke ground on digging a trench for plumbing and had an opportunity to connect with the neighbors of the missionary house. Tomorrow cement is being delivered. Prayers for endurance and strength are appreciated.
Everyone we meet and talk with has shown us so much love. What unites is our love and devotion to the Lord and that has shined through immensely already. There have been fellowship opportunities through games like Crazy Ball (invented by one of our Panamanian friends), during our van rides, and while working in the classrooms, and on the construction site. We pray that relationships continue to blossom and lives continue to be touched this week.

Panama Day 4
Hello from Panama!
Today during VBS at First Baptist Church and Nueva Esperanza, the mission church, we served close to 140 kids! We made a flying dove craft and focused on Acts 2. It was a joy to watch them flying their doves around once they were complete. The scripture today is a good reminder to focus on the now, how precious time is and that no day is ever the same again, so take the opportunities for connection as they come. There were many today and for that we are grateful.
Afterwards, the team tried duros - a sweet popsicle-like dessert common in Panama. Our friends were so excited to share these with us, they were great!
Over at the construction site, cinder blocks arrived, and the guys were able to unload bags of aggregate. Another big day of fun, fellowship, and discipleship was had by all. We continue to covet your prayers.

Panama Day 5
Hello Gayton Church family!
Over at VBS, the number of children has increased each day, even despite a torrential downpour today, and that’s saying something given that the majority of VBS is held outside at the mission church and many kids walk to church! We are extremely blessed to serve all of the kids who have come through this week. We were also able to meet a need by replacing a broken basketball net at First Baptist which has been appreciated by many during recess time.
At the construction site there is progress being made on the foundation of the new bathroom at Pastor Rodolfo’s house. We are being prayerful in asking to be reminded that our work is not to necessarily complete the project but to continue the good works that are being done. We won’t see a finished bathroom while we’re here but our contribution and time here is meaningful in many ways. A big win for the construction team was experienced when one of the neighbors who’s been invited to church showed up!
On Wednesday night the team attended a very powerful, church-wide prayer service where some of us were even able to share testimonies. Thank you to Pastor Jeff and Ellie for sharing your hearts with us all.
On Thursday night we spent some time with Pastor Rodolfo and his wife, Vivianna, at dinner where we shared stories of our experiences here thus far and expressed our appreciation for being welcomed here, into their church and into their families.
We ask for your prayers as we finish out our week here in Panama: to be reenergized daily, to be intentional in our interactions, to be present and eternally grateful for each day as it comes.

Panama Day 7
Hola, Gayton!
Today was the last day of Bible school and was filled with many emotions. After connecting with the kids and other VBS leaders this week it was hard to say Hasta Luego, “see you later”! We know that our time here is short but the work is eternal. After the much loved lantern crafts yesterday, we made the bead crosses today. We had a huge turnout and everyone had a great time.
The construction crew has been going strong with the beginning foundations of the bathroom expansion. The house will be so much better equipped to serve the missionaries staying there once this is complete! The guys have been connecting with their compadre, Ernesto and learning more about him and his family.
Our youth was invited to join the youth VBS class today during lunch and connected with the students and leaders their age which was a special experience. We were able to donate a size able amount of craft supplies to the school run by the church. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your donations! Our friends here are so grateful .
Heartfelt thanks were profusely expressed from our team to the First Baptist Team and vice versa. Our time here has been amazing. We’ve seen God working in many ways, externally and internally. The First Baptist youth and young adults surprised the Gayton VBS team with beautiful sentiments of our time together and thoughtful gifts. The Gayton team had planned the same for them! It was a teary exchange and straight from the heart.
The day ended with what we’ve learned is a trip tradition, Casa de Halado: homemade ice cream! And a surprise from our Panamá friends who met us at the mall for dinner! We pushed tables together and hung out until closing time, talking and playing games. Our Panamanian friends know a lot of fun group games and songs that we’ll have to share with you when we return!
Please pray for our team as we prepare for travel on Sunday, for our friends at First Baptist Church and New Hope, and for Pastor Bryon and his family.

Panama Day 7 and 8
This Saturday in Panama, the whole team woke up early and drove out to the beach with Pastor Rodolfo and other friends where they surprised us with a homemade lunch. It was wonderful! We also got to visit the Panama Canal for some great views and to learn more about the inner workings of the canal. It was a great day of bonding with everyone.
Sunday is departure day; We left early for our flight back into town, but not before saying goodbye to all of our friends. We were sent off with lots of hugs, love and prayer.
We’ve been receiving messages throughout the day today reinforcing the importance of our time here and we are all so grateful for what we have experienced during this trip. Thank you so much for your prayers and support of this mission. See you soon!
Gayton Baptist works closely with the Pedregal Baptist Church in Panama City, Panama to support their annual Vacation Bible School and its outreach ministries. Currently there are no trips being planned until after the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the past eight years, we have been engaged in a ministry in Panama. It started as a partnership with the Panamanian Baptist Convention and the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. The partnership has officially ended, however, significant relationships have developed with the Pedregal Baptist Church, and we continue to send teams to lead Vacation Bible Schools and construction projects.
- Personal Involvement: International mission teams from Gayton travel to Panama in partnership with Primera Iglesia Bautista de Pedregal, a local church, to assist with its outreach efforts.
- Financial Involvement: Explore funds provide craft materials for VBS and team members assistance with travel costs.
Are you interested in being a part of this mission?