Updates from the SLC
Who is the Servant Leadership Council?
The SLC is the lay lead council, elected by the congregation, and charged by the Church Constitution with being responsible for the overall strategic direction of the church. The SLC is also charged with establishing strategies and objectives to fulfill Gayton’s purpose, vision and values. This involves much weekly, if not daily engagement with the Senior Pastor and ministry team. In addition, the SLC approves the church budget as compiled by the Stewardship Task Group, serves as servant leaders of Gayton and meets monthly with the Senior Pastor. Terms on the SLC are generally for three years commencing July 1 and the terms are staggered. The SLC must be comprised of at least six members and can be as large as eleven members. The SLC annually elects a chair, vice-chair and a secretary. The SLC makes recommendations at church business meetings, including the church budget for congregational approval, and the chair moderates the business meetings. Each SLC member serves as a liaison to other church councils or task groups.
Kandra Brummett (Chair)
Marybeth Essex
Anne Hill (Vice Chair)
Jim Carney
Ted Price
Eric Perkins
Melissa Strong (Secretary)
SLC Liason Assignments
Ministry Councils:
Worship Council - Ted Price
Discipleship Council - Anne Hill
Missions/Evangelism Council - Eric Perkins
Task Groups:
Discernment Task Group (DTG) - Kandra Brummett
Facility Task Group (FTG) -
Human Resources Task Group/Staff (HRTG) -
Stewardship Task Group (STG) - Jim Carney
Sub Groups:
AGAPE/SPACE/Quest (ASQ) - Marybeth Essex
Youth - Melissa Strong
SLC Responsibilities
SLC Responsibilities include:
1. Be responsible for the strategic direction of the church
2. Establish strategies and objectives to fulfill the church’s Purpose, Vision and Values, and to:
a. review progress against objectives
b. to ensure that ministry operates consistently with the strategies
3. Be servant leaders of the church in life, thought, and ministry.
4. Meet monthly, and at other times as necessary to accomplish its duties, maintaining permanent, typed minutes of such meetings.
5. Annually review and establish strategies and objectives to accomplish the church’s purpose and to review the charter of ministry councils and teams. As part of this review, it may request objectives from the staff and ministry councils and teams.
6. Regularly review the total ministry of the church to determine that objectives are being accomplished.
7. Establish policies as necessary to guide the church and to take or recommend corrective action, or reverse objectives, where objectives are not being accomplished.
8. Represent the church in certain staff relationships as outlined in the church’s Human Resources Policy Manual.
9. Routinely review the charter and objectives of ministry teams.
10. Make recommendations on all matters to be brought to the church in business meetings, other than from teams directly responsible to the church; and to call church meetings as necessary.
11. Approve the annual ministry budget of the church as submitted by the STG. Final budget will be forwarded to the church in the annual meeting for consideration and approval.
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